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Robert Breedlove surmises the glass bead money of Africa was simply overcome by europeans flooding their markets with machine made glass beads from europe. With this shallow inference he thinks that is how Africa's economies and resources were dominated? No surprise that the new wild frontier, of Bitcoin, Blockchain, NFTs and the Metaverse signal the next evolution of money. As such, many pioneers conceal a legacy, a ubiquitous lack of diversity. I speak as someone who has as least been to countries in Africa and know the difference between Nigerian nira and the Kenyan shilling. The world wide subjection to the influence of the devaluing dollar backed by fiat or force is at the precipice of a new day a individual autonomous freedom signaled by the invention of Bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto? In 2008, the world of finance changed forever with the publication of a White Paper: Bitcoin: A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System. Hard to believe, but bitcoin has been with us for a decade already.
Despite efforts to undermine the freedom and sovereignty of bitcoin, the powers of centralization only further fortify bitcoin’s value. freedom from outside manipulation of individual sovereignty and their rights to their bodies, food, shelter free from outside manipulation with the good of the people in mind and manifestation. We determine a land managed through this DAO, which is built, on years of associations in China, Nigeria, Kenya and North Carolina through Sister Cities International as volunteer project managers.
Self funded Afrocentric Communities and Culture open to all.
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Brit Castaneda